Transcript: Rep. Ro Khanna on “Face the Nation,” May 5, 2024

May 5, 2024
4 mins read
Transcript: Rep. Ro Khanna on “Face the Nation,” May 5, 2024

The following is a transcript of an interview with Representative Ro Khanna, Democrat of California, that aired on May 5, 2024.

MARGARET BRENNAN: We’re joined now by California Democratic Congressman Ro Khanna, it’s good to have you here. And I know you’ve been visiting college campuses across the country, in Michigan, Nevada, and the Biden campaign recently sent you to Wisconsin. Are we at the point where protesters are becoming a story unto themselves and a distraction from the issues they are protesting?

REP. RO KHANNA (D-CA): No, I don’t think so. I mean, in Wisconsin, the issues that came up first were abortion rights. Secondly, the cost of living and what the President would do about student loans, housing and rent. Gaza emerged. But you know, one of the conversations in Madison with Jewish Americans and Arab Americans was extraordinarily civil, thoughtful and constructive. So I think on many campuses, there are 4,000 of them in the United States, there is actually a constructive dialogue going on.

MARGARET BRENNAN: But the president is not holding that kind of listening session. Why?

REP. KHANNA: I think the president should and will appear on campuses. I- I think–

MARGARET BRENNAN: – He hears cries of “Genocide Joe” when he goes to events.

REP. KHANNA: And see, this is part of the protest. I condemn any protests that incite violence or are anti-Semitic. As someone whose grandfather spent four years in prison with Gandhi. I mean, the aim of satyagraha was non-violent protest. We have to understand that this is a defining moment for this generation, similar to the anti-Vietnam protests, the anti-apartheid protests, the anti-Iraq War protests. And they’re telling us that 30 or more than 30 thousand people died. It’s time for this war to end. It’s time to free the hostages that Hamas has, and they want to see leadership in America and around the world. This is not the world they want.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Well, the president, however, said that the protests are not forcing him to change his policy. He is unequivocally pro-Israel. It was a month ago, he said something had to change or US policy would change. Do you expect any changes in US policy as a result?

REP. KHANNA: I want it. And I disagree a little. I think the protests and the broader movement caused the president to change. I mean, you look at the president talking now about some of the consequences that could have on Netanyahu, the Erez canal – the Erez opening open, the United States not vetoing the ceasefire resolution at the United Nations after three attempts.

MARGARET BRENNAN: And then said it was non-binding.

REP. KHANNA: And he said it’s not binding, but at least… look, everyone from the president on down is aware that young people are upset about what’s happening in the Middle East. And I… I think there’s been an awakening in Washington, that this war has to end, that a lot of people are dying. And if you look at the president’s language, it has certainly changed in the last six months. Now, some of us want there to be consequences.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Right. And this week, we know that there is a May 8 deadline for the administration to report on whether Israel and other recipients of US military aid are using these weapons in accordance with the law and whether or not they are blocking humanitarian aid. . Is this an honest accounting?

REP. KHANNA: I hope so. There is an independent task force that also published the report. And already–

MARGARET BRENNAN: –They’re trying to pre–

REP. KHANNA: –For pre–

MARGARET BRENNAN: –What the government can disclose, because they make it very clear in that non-governmental report that they think there are violations.

REP. KHANNA: Yeah, so let’s be nuanced about what the report says, because it’s actually very careful. They say, look, the Hamas attacks on October 7th were brutal, unjustified. Then they say that there are underground tunnels in Gaza, but they say that you cannot destroy residential buildings just because there is a tunnel, because, according to international law, you cannot cause disproportionate civil damage. And they detail cases in which this happens. They detail cases in which residential buildings were destroyed without any military target. So my expectation is that the State Department report needs to have that kind of nuance and detail, and if it doesn’t, there will be people asking why in Congress.

MARGARET BRENNAN: So while you were talking about very specific policy changes for very specific allegations, you also see in some of these protests things that are mixed in there, whether it’s outside agitators or extreme rhetoric. Her fellow Democrat, Elissa Slotkin, was tweeting about this protest at GW University. She said there were individuals shouting guillotine-guillotine and holding a mock trial of school administrators. She says this creates a climate of fear for Jewish students. What is being lost in the conversation here?

REP. KHANNA: Well, she’s right. I mean, you can’t scream “guillotine, guillotine.” You cannot shout “globalize the Intifada” or “Zionists do not deserve to live”. What is lost is that the few protesters who incite violence or engage in this type of anti-Semitism are dwarfing the thousands of young people who simply want the war to end. And I guess I would say look at John Lewis or Dr. King. They, in their protests, were irreproachable. If any individual engages in bigotry, they report it first and loudly. So I’m proud of the many young people who want to end the war, but they need to show the discipline that some universities have. Look at Cornell, look at the University of Minnesota, look at what’s happening at Northwestern. There have been efforts to not have the police, to talk to the student protesters, to have much more peace and calm, and there are models for what can work in this country.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Congressman, it’s always interesting to hear your opinion.

REP. KHANNA: Thank you, Margarida.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Thanks for telling us what you’re seeing on college campuses. We’ll be back in a moment.

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