Motion to expel Minnesota Sen. Nicole Mitchell over felony burglary charge fails

May 15, 2024
1 min read
Motion to expel Minnesota Sen. Nicole Mitchell over felony burglary charge fails

Motion to expel Minnesota Senator Nicole Mitchell on theft charge fails

Motion to expel Minnesota Senator Nicole Mitchell on theft charge fails


ST. PAULO, Min. – Minnesota Senate Republicans on Wednesday tried to expel the embattled DFL House Sen. Nicole Mitchell on Wednesday, after accusations that she broke into her stepmother’s house last monthbut this effort failed.

Mitchell’s vote was decisive in a procedural maneuver to avoid a formal vote on the motion.

Lawmakers are racing to the finish in St. as they approach the end of the session, but Mitchell’s criminal indictment is still important. Republicans previously attempted procedural moves to make her refuse to vote, force her to resign, and speed up ethics hearings.

This was the first time they tried to expel her. Sen. Zach Duckworth, R-Lakeville, introduced the motion to expel Mitchell.

“I cannot emphasize the importance of the conduct of our members in the Minnesota Senate and what it means to the people of Minnesota — what they have been following in the headlines, their thoughts on this, we owe them a response. I owe them some resolution. They deserve accountability and this is how we can do it,” he said.

Sen. Nick Frentz, DFL-North Mankato, noted that there has never been a member expelled from the Minnesota Senate. He said decision-making on any disciplinary action should be left to the ethics subcommittee, which last week was postponed until after Mitchell’s next court appearance in June.

“There was not an adequate opportunity for all the facts to be presented,” he said. “That’s the reason why the ethics subcommittee always decided to wait until the criminal case unfolded, so that each member who is the subject of the ethics complaint can have their opportunity, can unfold the criminal complaint, see how it goes. .”

Frentz asked the Senate president to consider Duckworth’s motion out of order, in accordance with the chamber’s rules. He ultimately agreed, and Republicans did not gain enough support to appeal that decision.

Senate Minority Leader Mark Johnson, R-East Grand Forks, condemned Senate Democrats, accusing them of “using (Mitchell) to pass their partisan agenda rather than working together with Republicans.”

MItchell’s presence is essential for the Democrats responsible for the House to move their agenda forward. She is the deciding vote on key pieces of legislation for her narrow one-seat majority. Mitchell voted in recent days on bills brought to the floor.

Mitchell denied any wrongdoing, claiming she would only check on a loved one.

Detroit Lakes Police Chief Steven Todd said the alleged robbery and Mitchell’s arrest were captured on body cameras. He said he has seen the body camera footage but is prohibited from releasing it by state law.

His next trial is scheduled for June 10, after the current legislative session ends.

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