Prosecutors paint him as corrupt lawmaker

May 15, 2024
3 mins read
Prosecutors paint him as corrupt lawmaker

NEW YORK – Prosecutors had no qualms Wednesday, painting Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) as a politically powerful but corrupt lawmaker who accepted gold bars, envelopes of cash and a luxury car in exchange for his influence, where they stated that he “puts greed first.”

During opening remarks in lower Manhattan at the start of Menendez’s federal corruption trial, prosecutors laid out a case in which they say Menendez and his wife, Nadine, engaged in “quid pro quo” with three businessmen: Wael Hana, Jose Uribe and Fred Daibes.

The senator, his wife, Nadine, and the three New Jersey businessmen were charged last year in a wide-ranging bribery scheme in which lavish gifts were allegedly negotiated to gain the senator’s ear and political influence. The timing of the charges, which include illegally benefiting foreign countries, was brought while Menéndez was serving as chairman of the influential Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

“He was powerful,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Lara Pomerantz said of the New Jersey Democrat. “He was also corrupt.”

But lawyers representing Menéndez vehemently refuted the government’s theory about the case, describing its narrative about the downfall of a public servant as “scandalously false.”

“In short, the evidence will show that Bob was doing his job; he was doing it right,” attorney Avi Weitzman said in his opening statement.

The senator’s scheme fell into three parts, Pomerantz said: He took steps to benefit Hana and Egypt. He promised to disrupt a case involving Uribe in exchange for a Mercedes-Benz convertible. And he sought to influence another case involving Daibes in exchange for other luxury items.

“This wasn’t politics as usual,” the prosecutor said. “This was politics for profit.”

Uribe has since pleaded guilty to several charges and agreed to testify in the case, while Menendez’s wife will stand trial alone later this year due to a serious medical condition.

Menéndez and the other businessmen pleaded not guilty.

Wearing a pink tie and dark gray suit, Menendez maintained mostly eye contact with the 12 New Yorkers who will decide his fate, keeping his hands folded on the corner of his chair as he turned his body slightly to face them. He almost always remained motionless.

The two businessmen who were on trial alongside the senator were sitting behind him.

Defense lawyers portrayed Menéndez as a family man and public servant whose origins in authoritarian Cuba led to a penchant for keeping cash on hand.

Federal agents reportedly found more than $480,000 in cash when they searched the Menendezes’ New Jersey home in June 2022, much of it hidden in envelopes, clothing, closets and a safe. They also reportedly found more than $100,000 worth of gold bars. Prosecutors pointed to Google searches Menendez made asking how much these gold bars cost.

But Weitzman — noting the “green and gold elephant” in the room — suggested there are “innocent explanations” for the hundreds of thousands of dollars Menendezes stored away.

“He didn’t ask for a bribe,” said the defense lawyer. “He did not receive any bribes.”

Menendez’s lawyers also sought to put distance between the senator’s actions and those of his wife.

At one point, Weitzman showed jurors a slide that mimicked a “Where’s Waldo” puzzle — except it was replaced with “Where’s Bob?” — and implored jurors to remember that whenever prosecutors present evidence about Nadine Menendez, who is not on trial alongside her husband.

The courtroom erupted in laughter and even Menendez cracked a smile after sitting stone-faced.

“Just ask yourself: Where is Bob?” Weitzman said, indicating that the couple lived “separate lives” and that the senator was frequently in Washington, D.C.

However, prosecutors say Menendez’s position in Washington as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee put him in the perfect position to “put his power up for sale.” He resigned from his position amid much political pressure after being indicted for the first time last year under Democratic Conference rules.

“For years, Robert Menendez abused his position to fuel his greed,” Pomerantz said.

Menendez previously faced corruption charges in 2015, but they were dropped in 2018 after a jury was unable to reach a verdict. With the jury selected and opening comments underway, his current trial is expected to last six to eight weeks.

He is one of three legislators who faced criminal charges in recent months, in addition to Rep. Henry Cuéllar (D-Texas) and now-expelled Rep. Jorge Santos (RN.Y.).

And, on the same block as the Menendez trial, former President Trump is also on trial on charges that he falsified business records to cover up a secret deal with a pornographic actress before the 2016 election. by the Republican Party declared himself innocent.

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