Rep. Greg Murphy says President Joe Biden ‘must’ve been jacked up’ at State of the Union

May 16, 2024
1 min read
Rep. Greg Murphy says President Joe Biden ‘must’ve been jacked up’ at State of the Union

Rep. Greg Murphy (RN.C.) speaks to a reporter as he leaves a bipartisan meeting with the Congressional Budget Office to discuss its numbers regarding the national debt on March 8, 2023.

Rep. Greg Murphy, R-N.C., suggested in an interview Thursday that President Joe Biden “must have been nervous” during his State of the Union address, pointing to the president’s energetic performance.

Murphy, co-chair of the Republican Doctors Party, said in an interview with Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo that his assessment is “from a medical standpoint” and that he has evidence to back up his claim — a point that has provoked some questions from part of the media specialist.

“I was at the State of the Union address and Joe Biden must have been excited about something that day. I absolutely believe that from a medical standpoint and I actually have some good knowledge of what happened,” Murphy told Bartiromo. “He can’t stand up, and he can’t stand under the lights for that long, and I don’t think he can hold a concept in his brain for that long.”

Murphy did not go into detail in the interview about the evidence and went on to give advice on the recently announced presidential debates. The Hill has reached out to Murphy’s office for further comment.

Bartiromo returned to his statement in his follow-up question.

“What do you mean when you say he was attacked at the State of the Union?” Bartiromo asked.

“I believe they gave him something to help him sustain the lights and the vigor that he had,” Murphy responded. “That’s not, it wasn’t Joe Biden. I was there. He screamed for two hours. He screamed for two hours. And you know, maybe we can talk offline, and I’ll show you something that I think proves that.”

“What, what are you going to show me?” Bartiromo asked.

“I think I may have some evidence that shows he received something before that.”

Bartiromo seemed surprised by the suggestion, saying, “OK, in terms of medicine?”

Murphy responded by suggesting that Biden had undergone a makeover and repeating a frequent refrain that Biden was “manipulated by the Democratic Party into being president,” adding, “I fully believe this has something to do with pharmacology.”

The Hill also reached out to the Biden campaign for a response.

Murphy’s comments echo a common response from conservatives following Biden’s State of the Union address.

Former President Donald Trump, after the speech, suggested in a radio interview that Biden was “all jacked up” at the beginning of the speech and “higher than a kite”.

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