Ford’s recall of Bronco and Escape raises “significant safety concerns” federal regulators say

May 9, 2024
2 mins read
Ford’s recall of Bronco and Escape raises “significant safety concerns” federal regulators say

Investigation into Ford crashes involving Blue Cruise partially automated driving system

Investigation into Ford crashes involving Blue Cruise partially automated driving system


Federal regulators are questioning the method Michigan automaker Ford took to repair thousands of SUVs it recalled early last month.

In April, Ford recalled nearly 43,000 Bronco Sports and Escape SUVs because gasoline can leak from the fuel injectors onto hot engine surfaces, increasing the risk of fire. Ford said SUVs have fuel injectors that crack, allowing gas or vapor to leak near hot engine parts.

Ford’s solution to the defect was to add a drain tube to move gas away from hot surfaces and a software update to detect a pressure drop in the fuel injection system. If this happens, the software will disable the high-pressure fuel pump, reduce engine power, and reduce temperatures in the engine compartment.

But the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) says the tube method doesn’t really solve the problem.

On a Letter for Ford released on Thursday, the NHTSA said its Office of Defects Investigation opened an investigation into the recall, noting “significant safety concerns” about Ford’s repair method. NHTSA added that it “believes the repair program does not address the root cause of the problem and does not proactively request replacement of defective fuel injectors prior to their failure.”

Ford said Thursday it is working with the NHTSA during its investigation. Ford said the Bronco Sport and Escape recall is an extension of a 2022 recall for the same issue. The repair has already been tested on vehicles involved in the previous recall.

In its letter, NHTSA is asking Ford to send the agency details about the fuel injector repair, including any tests the company performed to see if the remedy resolved the fuel injector problem and the question of whether repairs were needed. of hardware. NHTSA is also asking the company to explain any other solutions that were considered and any cost-benefit analysis the company did when selecting the solution.

The agency also wants to know how much fuel will leak and whether the amount meets federal environmental and safety standards. He also wants to hear Ford’s opinion on “its obligations (legal, ethical, environmental and other) to prevent and/or limit fuel leakage onto the road at any time during the useful life of a vehicle.”

NHTSA is also asking Ford to detail how the software will detect a drop in fuel pressure, how long it takes between the crack and detection, and what messages will be sent to the driver. He also asks what effect disabling the high-pressure fuel pump has on other parts of the fuel system and how SUVs will run when the pump is disabled.

Ford must provide the requested information to NHTSA by June 21, the letter said. Depending on the results of the investigation, the agency may pursue additional repairs that fix the fuel leaks.

—The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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