Transcript: Sen. John Fetterman on “Face the Nation,” May 5, 2024

May 5, 2024
5 mins read
Transcript: Sen. John Fetterman on “Face the Nation,” May 5, 2024

The following is a transcript of an interview with Senator John Fetterman, Democrat of Pennsylvania, which aired on May 5, 2024.

MARGARET BRENNAN: That was our Mark Strassmann and we turn now to Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman. He joins us this morning from Orlando, Florida, where he spent the weekend campaigning on behalf of President Biden’s re-election. Welcome to the show, Senator.

SEN. JOHN FETTERMAN: Hello. It’s good to be here.

MARGARET BRENNAN: It’s great to have you here. You’re having a breakdown. Do you want to tell us what you’re responding to there?

SEN. FETTERMAN: Oh, that-that interview, that was-that was magnificent.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Okay. Well, let me ask you about the Democrats and your own party. I know you spent a lot of time on this last weekend. You spoke openly about these protesters that we were talking about with our reporter there. The Director of National Intelligence testified this week that there is no U.S. intelligence that Hamas is influencing U.S. protests or directing them in any way. But I know you’ve said that while protesting is a great American value, I don’t believe that living in a tent for Hamas is actually helpful. Do you consider the raising of the Palestinian flag anti-Semitic? Or have you actually seen the Hamas flag at some of these protests?

SEN. FETTERMAN: No, no, I don’t think so, but… but I will say… I will say that this kind of protest has not helped. And, ironically, they are also working against peace in the Middle East. And it’s also very strange to me that now they’re not actually protesting for a ceasefire, and there was a very valid ceasefire that’s on the table right now and Hamas has refused to accept it. And I don’t know why we’re not… if we’re going to protest, why aren’t we protesting because you’re demanding that Hamas take this kind of ceasefire? And then that would end all the trauma and chaos that is happening there in Gaza.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Well, many of these young protesters are protesting President Biden’s Israel policy, with Israel being a beneficiary of U.S. taxpayer dollars and U.S.-supplied weapons. Hamas does not. Hamas is a designated terrorist group. So do you have a problem with trying to influence the President’s policy through protests?

SEN. FETTERMAN: Well, as I said, I will not, I will not, I will never support any kind of conditions for Israel during this. And again, I will continue to center that Hamas is responsible for all of this again. And now. If you are going to protest on these campuses, or now, they will also go all over America. I really want, I can’t forget, that the current situation could end right now, if Hamas would simply surrender. And they sent all those hostages home again. And that’s also one thing that frustrated me, is that now that these hostages should really be at the forefront of conversations about the situation in Gaza, sending them home would really, you know, end, again, all of this immediately.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Well understood, but are these protesters saying that by protesting the President’s policies, they only view any opposition to the President’s policies as Pro-Hamas? Or is it something specific that you have trouble with?

SEN. FETTERMAN: I mean, it’s perfectly… it’s perfectly fine if you don’t agree with the president on this issue or many other issues. But it’s really strange that when we have this incredible, important election right in front of us, it’s about six months away, and it’s actually two difficult choices. You have Joe Biden, a notable president, and then Donald Trump, who is now on trial talking about bribing a former adult film star. And there really is a stark contrast here and – and if you’re willing to move away from Joe Biden, it’s inevitable – you’re actually supporting Trump.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Well, I need to talk to you about other issues affecting this election on the other side of this break, so please stay with us, Senator. We will be back.


MARGARET BRENNAN: Welcome back to Face The Nation, we return to our conversation with Pennsylvania Democratic Senator John Fetterman. Senator, you said the other day that you would vote for a Senate version of that House anti-Semitism bill. The ACLU said federal law already prohibits anti-Semitic discrimination and that this bill would chill free speech. Do these concerns resonate with you?

SEN. FETTERMAN: I don’t- I don’t disagree with that. I was one of the co-leaders and sponsors of this project. So of course I’m going to vote yes on this. And I think it’s a very valid concern that really allowed that- that- I mean, it’s a landslide vote, a bipartisan vote in the House as well. I think it’s a great bill and I look forward to voting on it.

MARGARET BRENNAN: But sorry, just to clarify, do you agree with the ACLU saying that it’s wrong to equate criticism of the Israeli government with anti-Semitism?

SEN. FETTERMAN: No, well- I- I- I’m not really sure. Which is really the- I don’t, I- I don’t agree. I mean, I think a lot of the criticism now, during the Gaza war, I think at its root there is also some anti-Semitism. Now, you know, you don’t have to agree with the Israeli government, but- but a lot of the protests and a lot of the words that are being spread on a lot of these campuses are actually a lot of anti-Semitism.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Yes. OK. Yeah, I was just… the ACLU comment was about the House bill. That’s why I wanted to clarify this. So you, as we mentioned, were in Florida for this Democratic fundraiser. Our CBS poll shows that President Biden is in a very close race in his home state of Pennsylvania, with Mr. 61% of registered voters saying the economy in Pennsylvania was better during the Trump era. 55% said Biden makes them worry, compared to 48%. Who says Trump. How close will this race be?

SEN. FETTERMAN: Sorry, we are having a technical problem.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Okay. I was asking about the CBS polls that show a very close race in the state of Pennsylvania. Can you hear me, sir?

SEN. FETTERMAN: It’s not working.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Okay. All right. I’ll ask once again. Lord, if you can hear me.

SEN. FETTERMAN: Now it’s working. Now it’s working. Now I can, yes

MARGARET BRENNAN: Okay. Sure. In the state of Pennsylvania, our CBS poll shows that it will be a very close presidential race for Joe Biden’s re-election.


MARGARET BRENNAN: The issue of the economy is of paramount importance and in your state, our polls show that there is more confidence in Trump’s leadership in the economy than in Biden’s and this is very serious around the issue of oil and gas. How worried are you?

SEN. FETTERMAN: I’m not worried about that. And I want to be very clear, Joe Biden won – he beat Trump in Pennsylvania and he’s going to do it again. But it will be very close. Absolutely. I’ve been calling this – I’ve been having the same conversation since 2016, which is going to be very competitive. And now oil and gas, of course that’s a problem, but it’s not going to be – it’s going to define the race and that’s for sure. Again, we have two very difficult choices between the two. And it is very clear that it will not be a defining factor for sure.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Well, we’re going to have a lot of focus on your condition over the next few months. Senator, thank you for your time today. We’re back.

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