Over 150 monkey deaths now linked to heat wave in Mexico: “There are going to be a lot of casualties”

May 28, 2024
2 mins read
Over 150 monkey deaths now linked to heat wave in Mexico: “There are going to be a lot of casualties”

The number of heat-related problems howler monkeys deaths in Mexico rose to 157, the government said, with a tragically small number of primates treated or recovering.

A heat dome – an area of ​​strong high pressure centered over the southern Gulf of Mexico and northern Central America – blocked cloud formation and caused lots of sunlight and warm temperatures across Mexico. In early May, Mexico reported record temperatures in 10 citiesincluding the capital.

Last week, environmentalists reported that 138 medium-sized primates, known for their booming vocal cries, had been found dead in the Gulf Coast state of Tabasco since May 16. reported that the number increased to 157, and that research continued into the causes of deaths.

Wildlife biologist Gilberto Pozo attributed the deaths to heatstroke, noting a “synergy” of factors — including high heat, drought, forest fires and logging that deprives the monkeys of water, shade and the fruits they eat — appeared to be the culprit. by saying that a pathogen, disease or other factor cannot yet be ruled out.

The department said deaths were occurring in both Tabasco and the neighboring state of Chiapas, and that 13 monkeys were under treatment and seven were treated and returned to their habitat. The department said some of the monkeys were being treated for dehydration and that three were in serious but stable condition.

Monkey deaths in Mexico heat wave
A veterinarian feeds a rescued young howler monkey amid extremely high temperatures in Mexico.

Luis Sanchez/AP

But with heat, fires and deforestation hitting the trees where the howler monkeys live, it was unclear whether their release could guarantee their survival. Authorities and conservationists have been working to provide water and food, particularly fruit, to help wild monkeys stay hydrated, Tabasco’s civil protection institute said.

Normally quite intimidating, howler monkeys are muscular and some can be up to one meter tall, with equally long tails. Some men weigh more than 30 pounds and can live up to 20 years. They are equipped with large jaws and a fearsome set of teeth and fangs. But they are best known for their lion-like roars, which belie their size.

Local residents who encounter monkeys in need of assistance should contact local or federal authorities, authorities he said. COBIUS, a wildlife conservation group based in Tabasco, Mexico, previously said that people can host a bucket of water on a rope for the primates to drink.

It’s not just howler monkeys that suffer from rising temperatures. In the northern state of San Luis Potosi, Ena Buenfil, director of the Selva Teenek ecological park, told the Associated Press that her facilities were overwhelmed as parrots, bats and toucans succumbed to the heat. The ecological park said it had received reports that at least 100 parrots, bats and other animals had died, apparently from dehydration.

Monkey deaths in Mexico heat wave
A howler monkey caged in a veterinary clinic after being rescued in extreme heat.

Luis Sanchez/AP

Buenfil said when the heat wave began in mid-May, the clinic quickly filled with sick birds. Local residents have also reported finding dead or suffering birds.

Due to authorities’ scarce resources, Buenfil said the number is probably just a small percentage of the affected animals, but added that his organization worked with Civil Protection to help some birds.

Buenfil said birds mostly die from dehydration in the heat and are often disproportionately affected because they have nowhere to store water. Meanwhile, the bats became dehydrated sleeping in the scorching afternoon heat. She recommended that local residents put out water bowls for the animals.

“We have never seen a situation like what is happening now,” she said, adding that if there are more heat spikes like this “there won’t be much we can do for the animals.”

“There will be many victims in the ecosystem if we continue this trend of heat waves in the region,” said Buenfil.

With below-average rainfall across most of Mexico so far this year, lakes and dams are drying up and water supplies are running low. Authorities had to transport water to everything from hospitals to firefighting teams. Low levels at hydroelectric dams contributed to power cuts in some parts of the country.

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